Terms of service


"myregosticker", etc means Shutter Zoo Pty Ltd ACN 140 325 882 trading as "myregosticker".

"The website", "website", "site", "the site", etc, means the website made available by us at http://myregosticker.com.au

"You", "your", "user", etc means any person who visits or otherwise engages with the website or any service provided by myregosticker.

"Content", "user-contributed content", etc means data that you upload to the website or otherwise submit and may include but is not limited to digital images, photographs, text, messages, comments, audio data and video data.

"Business day" means any day which in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, is not a Saturday, is not a Sunday, is not a bank holiday and is not a public holiday.

Our services to you

myregosticker provides the website primarily for the purpose of enabling you to place an order to purchase a registration reminder sticker.

Membership accounts

myregosticker does not offer or require membership accounts.

Eligibility and legal agreement

To use the website you must be at least 18 years of age and legally able to enter into a legally binding contract under applicable laws. By using the website you are entering into a binding legal agreement with myregosticker on the terms set out in this document. Your usage of the website indicates your acceptance of this agreement. You do not need a membership account to use the website.

Variation to these terms

myregosticker reserves the right to vary these terms without notice to you. The current terms of service are published at http://www.myregosticker.com.au/index.php?controller=index&action=terms.

Intellectual property

"myregosticker" and "myregosticker" are trademarks. Proprietary software operates the myregosticker website; you may not copy, reverse-engineer or modify it.

Other than for the purposes of, and subject to the conditions prescribed under, the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and similar legislation that applies in your location, and except as expressly authorized by this agreement, you may not in any form or by any means use, adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of this website; or commercialize any information, products or services obtained from any part of this website without our written permission.

Copyright in content

You retain any copyright that you own in any content you contribute to myregosticker or the website.

Content licencing and sublicencing

You permit myregosticker to sublicence your content (for example, to manufacture products) to third parties.

Such licences and sublicences shall persist indefinitely (for example, to allow us to send you a reminder email dependent upon date information you supply to us) unless you expressly withdraw such sublicense in writing to myregosticker.

Persistence of content

Your content is not published on the website but may be retained and/or archived by myregosticker for a period of time that is reasonable for accounting purposes (and this may be several years) or as required by law.

Termination of agreement

You may terminate this agreement with myregosticker by notifying myregosticker in writing. myregowebsite may, with or without notice to you, and at its discretion, terminate your access to all or part of the site without the need to provide reasons.

Privacy of content

Content you submit is not published on the website. However, content you submit is stored in a database system. The website offers some protective measures to restrict persons from accessing your content however you acknowledge these measures may potentially be circumvented. (If your content must not be seen by the public, then do not submit it to the website or myregosticker).

Privacy of personal information

We will never sell or disclose your personally information or contact information to third parties except in accordance with this agreement.

Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to you, and it is important to us.

myregosticker will never rent or sell your personal information to any third party.

myregosticker may retain and archive your personal information for a period of time beyond termination of this agreement which is reasonable for taxation accounting or other legal purposes.

If you have any questions or feedback relating to how your personal information is stored or used by myregosticker, please contact us.

Appropriateness and legality of content

When you upload or otherwise submit content to the website or myregosticker, you warrant that

  • you own all copyright in the content, or if you are not the owner, that you have permission to use the content, and that you have the right to display, reproduce and sell the content;
  • you and your content do not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity, including copyright, moral rights, trade mark, patent or right of privacy;
  • you or your content, and your use, storage, reproduction and display on the website will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations;
  • your content does not contain material that defames or vilifies any person, people, races, religion or religious group and is not obscene, pornographic, indecent, harassing, threatening, harmful, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, misleading, illegal or otherwise objectionable;
  • your content does not depict or imply sexual activity involving a person under the age of 18 years or as applicable by law at any location where your content was created or modified or submitted or communicated as initiated by you or any other entity, whichever age is greater;
  • your content does not include malicious code, including but not limited to viruses, trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or any other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, program, data, or personal information;
  • your content is not misleading and deceptive and does not offer or disseminate fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions;
  • your content does not contain financial advice or recommendations regarding securities;
  • your content does not contain advertising other than advertising for the services and products offered by myregosticker through the website;

Screening, alteration and deletion of content

myregosticker does not warrant that it will screen content submitted to it or the website but it reserves the right to do so.

You grant myregosticker the right to select, edit, condense, determine the duration of, change the nominated location of, withdraw or refuse your content in its sole discretion without providing reason or notice to you.

From time to time content may be submitted by users which is in breach of these terms. The submission of inappropriate or illegal content may be reported to police.

Please help us to address breaches of these terms by reporting breaches of these terms to us.

Ordering and purchasing products

Users may purchase products through the website using a valid credit card. The price you pay is fixed at the time of ordering the product or products. You may not cancel or withdraw an order once it has been submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that the delivery address for each order is correct. myregosticker takes no responsibility for any failure of delivery resulting from errors in the delivery address supplied by you.

myregosticker does not warrant, endorse, make representations about or recommend any content offered or provided by any user.

Our cancellation of orders

Despite reasonable precautions, products may be listed at incorrect prices or with incorrect information or be unavailable. This may due to an error, oversight or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of myregosticker. We reserve the right to cancel an order in that event.

We may also cancel an order if we believe it is being made in breach of these terms, or if we believe fulfilling the order would result in a breach of these terms, or in contravention of the rights of any person or law.

We may cancel orders even after the credit card used to pay for an order has been charged and reserve the right to cancel orders up until the time of delivery. If a cancellation occurs for an order after you have been charged for that order, we will refund the amount in question.

Delivery of goods

Goods are delivered by postal or courier service at our discretion. You will pay for the cost of delivery at the time of ordering or, if cost of delivery is not explicitly stated, cost of delivery is included in your product price, and at the price indicated by us at the time of ordering where relevant. We may also charge a handling fee which may vary between orders depending on the product(s) and quantities ordered.

Damaged goods

If a product is delivered to you in damaged condition, we will issue a replacement of the product. Please contact us within 14 days of receipt of the damaged goods with information about the nature of the damage and if we are satisfied the product was damaged prior to delivery we will arrange for a new product to be sent to you at our cost.

As the content used during product manufacture is submitted by you, you should verify the quality of the content you intend to use when purchasing products. Our commitment to replacing damaged goods applies to physical products and not to the quality or nature of the content used in creating said products.


Once you successfully make payment for an order you may not request a cancellation or refund for that order for any reason, including but not limited to incorrect product or image choice, change of mind or having supplied incorrect content, delivery or invoicing information.

In the event you have submitted incorrect delivery or invoicing information, contact us and we will endeavour to update this information for you prior to shipment of your order however we cannot guarantee that this will be successfully accomplished before shipment. You agree that any loss or expense incurred due to incorrect supply of order information will be borne by you.

Refunds in relation to orders cancelled by myregosticker are addressed under the section titled "Our cancellation of orders" (above).

Additional usage rules

You warrant to myregosticker that you will not use the site or service for any purpose (including the publication of content) that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms.

  • You warrant that you will not data mine the site.
  • You warrant that you will not conduct automated searches on the site.
  • You warrant that you will not incorporate any of the site content with any other material including advertising and promotional material.
  • You warrant that you will not create any links from the site.
  • You warrant that you will not frame or mirror the site.
  • You warrant that you will not use another person's or entity's account without permission.
  • You warrant that you will take responsibility for the security of the authentication (login) information required to access your account with the site (if applicable).
  • You warrant that you have licence or permission to use any email address which you submit to the site for the purpose of authenticating said email address for the purpose of accessing the site in part or in whole or for the purpose of placing an order with the website.
  • You warrant that you will not use the site or its services for any activity or activities (including publication of content), or to transmit via the site or service any information or material which:
    • breaches any law or regulation
    • breaches these terms
    • infringes a third party's rights (including intellectual property rights and rights of privacy) or misuses a third party's confidential information
    • is inappropriate, offensive, obscene, threatening, indecent, menacing, inflammatory, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory, harasses any person or entity, or otherwise inhibits others from using or enjoying the site or service
    • is false or misleading
    • is an unsolicited commercial message
    • impersonates another person or entity or uses another person's or entity's account without permission
    • identifies a person or which can be used to identify a person (including copy, photos, avatars, other images or any other representation) unless you have obtained that person's permission to do so.
  • You warrant that you will not make unauthorised modifications to content
  • You warrant that you will not knowingly transmit any worm, virus, Trojan horse, other disabling feature, or other malicious code to, or via the site
  • You warrant that you will not attempt to do or permit any other person or entity to do any of the above acts

You must not manipulate, or interfere with, any other user's content submitted to the site.

Communications to you

Any communications or notices myregosticker sends you in relation to your transactions or use of the website are not intended to endorse or guarantee your transactions. You may receive service-related emails from us and such messages will not include a functional unsubscribe facility.

Newsletter and commercial emails

myregosticker does not publish a regular newsletter at this time however myregosticker may send you an email from time to time advising of new products available. You may elect not to receive these emails by advising us in writing via email. myregosticker may send a reminder email to you advising that your registration may soon be due but myregosticker does not guarantee to do so.

Disclaimer of liability

myregosticker is not liable to you for any loss or damage incurred by you arising out of your use of the website or its services or myregosticker's products, whether direct, consequential, special, indirect or other loss or damage. myregosticker's liability to you is limited to the re-supply of the service or product to you or to the cost of this re-supply at its option.

The terms that apply to myregosticker's supply of the website are those that are set out in this document, including policies referenced by this document (if any), and those implied by consumer protection laws to the supply of this service that are unable to be excluded. No other terms apply.

myregosticker accepts its liability to you for breach of contract or negligence under the principles applied by the courts, but:

  • myregosticker does not accept liability to you for losses that result from your use of our services in connection with the conduct of a business. However, myregosticker will accept that liability if it cannot be excluded under any legislation. If that liability cannot be excluded but can be limited under any legislation, we limit our liability to re-supplying, repairing or replacing the relevant goods or services (or payment of the cost of re-supply, repair or replacement) where it is fair and reasonable to do so;
  • myregosticker is not liable for any loss to the extent it is connected with any dispute between you and one or more other users of the website, including in relation to transactions entered into with other users of the site;
  • myregosticker is not liable for any loss to the extent that it is caused by you (for example, through your negligence or breach of contract);
  • myregosticker is not liable for any loss to the extent that it results from your failure to take reasonable steps to avoid or minimise your loss;
  • myregosticker is not liable for any loss caused by myregosticker failing to comply with its obligations to you where that loss is caused by events outside its reasonable control (such as a malfunction in equipment or software, internet access difficulties, delay or failure of transmission, or delay or failure in third-party supply of print or manufacture services); and
  • myregosticker is not liable for any loss caused by the alteration, withdrawal or restoration of any material in accordance with our terms.

You release myregosticker and its officers from all claims, demands, damages, costs, penalties and liabilities whatsoever arising out of or in connection with a dispute between you and any other user of the myregosticker site or arising out of or in connection with usage of the website or ordering or receipt of products offered through the website.

Your liability

You are liable to myregosticker for breach of contract or negligence under the principles applied by the courts. However, you are not liable to myregosticker for any loss to the extent that it is caused by myregosticker (for example through our negligence or breach of contract).

No warranty

myregosticker provides the website and its services 'as is' and without any express or implied warranties. myregosticker makes no warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the content on the site or any third-party site linked from the site. Users should satisfy themselves through their own enquiries as to the condition or suitability of any item or service offered. myregosticker excludes all liability to users for loss arising from content posted on the site. All warranties of any kind are excluded to the extent permitted by law. Due to factors outside its control, myregosticker does not guarantee uninterrupted, error-free or secure access to the webite.

We take all reasonable care in publishing content. However, content is provided 'as is' and we do not warrant or represent that it is complete, current or free from errors or omissions. We do not warrant or represent that content on the site will be suitable for any particular purpose. You must investigate for yourself the suitability, quality and condition of any content published on the site. It is your responsibility to verify any content on the site, or provided by you to the site, before relying on it.


You agree to indemnify myregosticker and its officers, employees and agents, against all claims, demands, damages, costs, penalties and liabilities related to:

  • your use of the site or its services;
  • any content posted by you; or
  • your breach of these terms.

Our right to terminate service

We reserves the right to terminate the service, in full, or in part, at any time, or suspend the service, in full, or in part, at any time for any length of time.

Additional disclaimer

We do not warrant that users' content will be protected against loss, or misuse or alteration by third parties. We also do not warrant that uploaded content will be available on our website. If we elect in our sole discretion to make available content on our website, we do not warrant that it will be available within a certain time frame.

Governing law

This agreement, the myregosticker website and its services are governed by the laws of New South Wales (Australia).

No portion of these terms attempts to or purports to exclude liability arising under statute if, and to the extent, such liability cannot be lawfully excluded.